
Spring Fashion Accessories for Women

For those of you out there looking for a bit more than just fashionable clothing this spring, we have the answer for you. Fashion accessories for women this year are incredibly bright, bold and oversized. By learning how to utilize the hottest accessories of the year to go with your favourite white dress or any casual wear ensemble you have planned for yourself. Accessories can turn even the seemingly plain fashion styles into something stunning and head turning.

The very first place you want to start when it comes to fashion accessories for women is deciding what it is you want to add to your existing outfit. Fashion accessories can add more color, class, a sexy tone, a sophisticated tone and so on. You can literally take a neutral color blouse and black pants and turn it into something outstanding. For office wear like this you may want to consider a long gold chain, oversized gold or pearl colored earrings as well as bangle bracelets to take a plain and maybe boring outfit into something classy.

What's new in accessories this year is hats. Hats are making a comeback this year and if you are sad to hear this, you haven't considered the various ways hats can be worn and how they can accessorize your outfits. Whether you have long or short hair, you can definitely pull off a hat if you find that perfect one for you. Hats can be very versatile and can take an everyday office ensemble and turn it into something sexy for an evening out on the town. This is how simple it can be to transform your wardrobe from last year to this year.

Let's talk about shoes. This year, ankle straps and gladiator style sandals and heels are by far the most popular. This style is extremely sexy and can be worn with capris pants, shorts, skirts, dresses and skinny jeans. Because of the incredible versatility, these shoes are a great investment and bright colors are a great choice for this spring. Whether you are familiar with heels or not, you can choose from high to mid-size heels and enjoy the comfort of being a bit taller as well as the appearance of longer legs all with one pair of great heels.

Lastly, I want to go into more details regarding costume jewellery for this spring. Intricate necklaces are going to be seen everywhere. Multiple layering, unique jewels and twists of different fabrics and materials are what are most prominent in the necklace and jewellery trends of 2011.

The great thing about accessorizing your casual wear or strapless dresses is that you can create absolutely any style you want. You can also utilize online retailers to have the latest and most popular fashion accessories for women arrive right at your doorstep. Women's casual clothing is taking a giant leap this season and fashion accessories are what are making this happen. 2011 doesn't mean you have to go out and replace your wardrobe, it means a few simple accessories can help you take what you already have and update it to today's hottest trends.

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Scarves Rock - 3 Scarf Tips To Live By

Donna Karan once said that the scarf was the most versatile fashion accessory and she was right!

Scarves are the MOST versatile fashion accessories and can be worn for any event because they come in all shapes and sizes. The best thing about scarves is that they are one of the LEAST expensive fashion accessories; it almost sounds too good to be true! You can find low cost scarves in every color over the rainbow, which will help you to accessorize any item in your wardrobe.

Scarves also add color and pattern which can help to boost any outfit and bring it from ordinary to va-va-voom!

Furthermore, scarves add dimension to outfits because there are thousands of ways you can wear a scarf when you change the type of scarf, the knot you use or even the accessory you use, such as adding a scarf ring. Although there are so many ways you can wear a scarf, so many styles could be overwhelming so we wanted to break it down into 3 easy tips that you could use for any outfit. Grab some scarves from your collection or your favorite boutique and follow these three basic steps on how to wear a scarf.

?The Fold and Loop- this kind of fold is best worn when your scarf is a light-weight pashmina. Fold the scarf in half lengthwise and wrap it around your neck. One end of the scarf will be a loop and the other end with be the tail ends of the scarf. With the loop end, take the scarf tails and pull them through. This knot is also called the European Loop and is great over a coat or with a blouse.

?The Basic Neck Wrap- This style is good for long and narrow scarves. You just simply wrap around the scarf on your neck once and let the tails of the scarf hang down your back. This style is appropriate for indoor wear and also look great when you want to add small detail but nothing to take away from the main focus of another fashion accessory.

?The Square Cowboy- Small to medium sized square scarves are appropriate for this style. Fold the scarf once in a triangle and then place the long folded edge around the front of your neck, with the scarf tails at the back. Then you will tie the scarf tails in a basic knot (just like you would tie the first knot when tying your shoes). You can do another basic knot so the scarf doesn't slip off or you can use a scarf ring.

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溫暖早春 歐美女星斗篷領跑

溫暖早春 歐美女星斗篷領跑


  時尚點評:大面積的豹紋不是每個人都可以駕馭的,戴安娜·艾格倫(Dianna Agron)的這件豹紋斗篷搭配黑色墨鏡、黑色軍靴,個性的中性裝扮中增加了幾分野性的味道。

  Minka Kelly的毛衣很有民族風情,特別是在衣擺增添的流蘇設計,讓她在行走中更加搖曳生姿,充滿活力女性的魅力。下面搭配緊身仔褲和綁帶短靴,利落又帥氣,讓整體更加摩登。

  馬尾辮加灰色瘦長款毛衣外套,Jennifer Aniston將自己打扮得很有少女的氣質,簡單卻活力無限,正好證明一句話,身材好是法寶!


  時尚點評:小美女達科塔·范寧 (Dakota Fanning) 也愛上了斗篷裝,大概是由於超好的保暖性,灰色針織斗篷搭配駝色長褲,玫瑰色的手提包起到了整體畫龍點睛的作用。

  時尚點評:莉莉·艾倫 (Lily Allen) 總是和其他明星不一樣,街上的她依舊是酷味十足,Chanel粗花呢的斗篷搭配黑色連衣裙,格外有氣勢。

  時尚點評:Louis Vuitton黑白斗篷幾乎是明星人手一件的單品,凱特·哈德森 (Kate Hudson)穿著這件黑白斗篷當成連衣裙穿,性感的美腿展露無疑。

  時尚點評:克勞蒂亞·雪佛 (Claudia Schiffer) 依舊是街頭的亮點,最近她選擇了復古裝出門,黑紅格子襯衣上搭配了一件超大的黑色斗篷,不僅時尚前衛,而且極具保暖性。

  時尚點評:為了御寒,凱莉·米洛(Kylie Minogue) 選擇了一件灰色雙排扣斗篷搭配過膝高跟鞋,戴著酷酷的墨鏡,前衛的時髦女郎非她莫屬。

  時尚點評:不要認為白色會給人膨脹感,克裡斯汀·貝爾 (Kristen Bell) 這件白色斗篷和黑色的下半身一點都沒有臃腫感,黑色寬簷帽也是2011復古元素的大熱。

  時尚點評:想把黑色斗篷穿的更有哥特氣質,那就看看麗芙·泰勒(Liv Tyler)的出街裝扮吧!全身的黑色調再搭配一襲披肩長髮,勁酷十足。


  時尚點評:娜塔麗·波特曼 (Natalie Portman) 將斗篷穿出了混搭的感覺,打底的白色蕾絲長衫搭配藍色短款斗篷穿出了錯層感,媽媽時代的闊腿褲也被她穿的極具潮味,她在告訴我們闊腿褲是2011年復古時尚的又一大元素。

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精緻的創意 Christofle首飾系列

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  德國Saxony 州Rhone河的孩子們,聖誕節會穿得五彩繽紛並用繡花的布帕蒙住臉,如果在規定的時間內他們能觸碰到成年人的手背,就代表他們在下一年身體健康不說,運氣也格外好。

  Elle Fanning出演《在某處》後人氣有趕超姐姐Dakota Fanning的聲勢。11月24日,她出演的《胡桃夾子3D版》電影作為典型聖誕檔首現大屏幕。《胡桃夾子》本是德國童話,後由柴科夫斯基創作成芭蕾舞劇,自1892年3月19日在聖彼得堡首映後,演變為如火雞和槲寄生般的聖誕必備傳統。






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How to Pick Women's Ski Apparel and Equipment for Skiing

How to Pick Women's Ski Apparel and Equipment for Skiing
Skiing is an expensive sport; just imagine the equipment, gear, ski resort and the womens ski apparel that a skier must provide before one can enjoy this extreme sport. But then women of today became bolder and fiercer and thus even the male-dominated sport had been conquered by woman too, thanks to Lindsey Vonn for setting an example that physical strength and stamina is not limited to guys only.

Aside from state-of-the-art ski gear and equipment, reliable womens ski apparel is also a must to conquer those towering snowy slopes. In fact ski apparel can be considered as skiing equipment because it serves the purpose of protecting you from the elements.

One way to check the ski is by looking at its entire length to make sure that it is not twisted or bent. Run your fingers on the running surface of the ski if it is smooth and if the grooves are straight. Hold the ski up side by side for a clear comparison if the skis are in the same width and height, in this way you will know if they are really true pairs. Even though conditions are generally cold when you are skiing, the physical nature of the sport will result in you perspiring. Wearing a base layer will help to disperse the perspiration quicker as the moisture is removed to the outer layer of the garment away from your skin so it can evaporate quicker.

For those who are just starting skiing, compact skis are the best. Ski with moderate length are the best choice for hills on which you need to turn often or if you are going to be taking a rather bumpy ride. For the pro, who loves the swooshing sounds of speed pick the ski sport.

As for the binding, another skiing essential, while shopping one, bend your knee and use calipers to measure the width of your shin bone. This measurement, together with your weight is a must because in order to have the proper binding, the skier must determine first his weight and the strength of his legs. Always have your bindings fitted and adjusted to your measurements in this way to ensure the safest possible product.

Whenever shopping for womens ski apparel, make room for clothing layering. For inner wear choose natural fibers wick keep the moisture away from your skin and to enhance absorption. Absorption of moisture or sweat is very crucial to the middle layer clothing. As for the outer layer make sure that the fabric is wind and waterproof yet allows your body to breathe beneath. A vest would be fine on warmer days and a thick sweater and jacket is what you need during cold winter days.

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How Women's Handbags Should Make A Style

How Women's Handbags Should Make A Style
Every woman likes to have a nice, fashionable handbag. Most women have more than one bag for evening and daytime wear. Evening bags are usually smaller than daytime ones. If you look in a woman's wardrobe then you'll probably find several kinds of womens handbags.

When a person is young they often have different styles than those who are older. Therefore, their taste in handbag varies. This is why there are so many bags that suit specific people. Many older people have a more sophisticated style whilst younger individuals follow fashion closely. Younger people often look in magazines and newspapers for inspiration.

Shoes are also important for women who want to make a fashion statement. Shoes can dress an outfit up or down. Many women are inspired by celebrities that they follow. Celebrities often lead the fashion world by making outrageous statements. There are some beautiful dresses that celebrities wear on television.

Paying for an outfit can cost a lot of money, but it makes a person feel worthwhile. That's why people call clothes shopping, retail therapy. Without allowing yourself a treat now and then, you would not feel worthwhile. The feeling of going out shopping makes someone feel happier. Spending money on yourself and buying fashionable clothes is worthwhile. It's vital for a woman to feel important. A woman needs to feel special and pampered.

Many women love it when their partner buys them gifts. Clothing gifts are always appreciated by women who are fashionable. If you want to be admired and respected for your fashion sense then you need to start learning what is hot and what is not. Those with fashion sense have a natural flare for finding clothes that match.

When people are young they are more concerned about how they appear to their friends. Fashion seems to be the bee all and end all of everything for some people. If a person doesn't go out looking the best they can do, then they will not be satisfied. Fashion can turn into an obsession, but it can be a good thing. Fashion can be a way of expressing your inner nature. Some people see fashion like art and the more daring an outfit is, the better.

Many people think that fashion is expensive, but it doesn't need to be. There are many ways of getting clothing for less. A lot of people are recycling their clothes. Other people hold swap parties where they swap clothing with others. It can be great fun going to a swap party and finding a new outfit. There are also charity shops and markets where clothes are cheaper.

If you want to be known as the Fashion Queen then you have to make a statement. Simply by owning an expensive handbag, you could be the envy of your friends. Womens handbags include many different brands and prices. The top designer brands are more expensive compared to high street prices. Although even designer brands have sales and reductions. It's always worth having a good look around first before you spend your money.

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