

袖珍型床邊CR-ITX 560系統是由Eastman Kodak公司(Rochester, NY, USA)研制開發的。“便攜式影像掃描一直是一個挑戰,因為你沒有桌面,很難對患者進行定位。CR-ITX 560系統為配備膠片的科室,提供了一種經濟上能夠承受的切實可行的解決方法,從而增加了靈活性,減少了在此進行移動檢查的需要。”Eastman Kodak公司數字圖像解決方案的總經理和副總裁Mike Marsh說,“我們的新系統還提高了當前已經使用數字成像系統的檢驗科室的工作效率。這種便攜系統還將數字成像系統整合進入當前的網絡,從而免除了放射科醫生將CR卡帶步行送到中央處理區的需要。” Portable X-Ray/CR System for Bedside Imaging A new portable x-ray/computed radiography (CR) system provides excellent image quality and an efficient digital workflow for a wide range of facilities that conduct standard bedside diagnostic x-ray imaging, including intensive care units, clinics, nursing homes, and hospitals of all sizes.
The compact point-of-care CR-ITX 560 system was developed by Eastman Kodak Co. (Rochester, NY, USA). “Portable imaging has always been challenging because you don’t have a table and it’s difficult to position patients. The CR-ITX 560 system provides an affordable and practical way for film-based healthcare facilities to achieve increased flexibility and reduced retakes through digital capture of portable exams,” said Mike Marsh, general manager, Digital Capture Solutions and vice president, Eastman Kodak. “Our new system also provides increased productivity for healthcare facilities that currently have a digital imaging workflow. This mobile system readily provides digital images for integration into existing networks and eliminates the need for technologists to walk CR cassettes to a central processing area.”

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