

這種解剖刀是Element Six B.V. (Cuijk, The Netherlands)公司研制開發的。該公司將一種特殊的LeurLock手柄和刀刃收縮的機械裝置整合到鉆石解剖刀中,保證了在傳統手術設備清洗機器中能夠進行清洗和消毒。對這種刀刃可以反復清洗和消毒,而不會損傷鋒利的刀鋒,從而降低每次整容手術的成本。
許多外科醫生反應這種新型解剖刀在進行切割的時候提供了最高水平的可操作性。“在乳房固定術、眼瞼整容術、和腹部手術中,已經證明這些解剖刀性能優越。”Element Six公司總經理Paul Dankers說。
Element Six是一家世界級的工業用途的合成鉆石生產商。該公司在化學蒸汽沉積(CVD)鉆石工藝方面處于領先地位,為合成鉆石在傳統研磨用途之外,拓展了新的用途。
Diamond Cosmetic Scalpels New diamond scalpels designed for cosmetic surgery are much sharper than the best steel blades and, as a result, they ensure that the surgeon can make incisions with extreme precision and excellent maneuverability.
The scalpels were developed by Element Six B.V. (Cuijk, The Netherlands). The company has incorporated a special LeurLock handle and a bayonet mechanism for blade retraction into the diamond cosmetic scalpel, enabling thorough cleaning and sterilization in a conventional surgical instrument washing machine. The ability to repeatedly clean and sterilize the blade without the risk of damaging the extremely sharp edge results in a cosmetic surgery blade having the lowest cost per procedure.
Many surgeons have reported that this new scalpel gives an extreme level of maneuverability in making an incision. “These scalpels have already been demonstrated to deliver excellent performance during mastopexy, blepharoplasty, and abdominoplasty,” said Paul Dankers, general manager, Element Six.
Element Six is one of the world’s leading producers of synthetic diamonds for industrial use. The company has pioneered the development of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond technology, opening up many new applications outside the traditional abrasive uses of synthetic diamonds. /**/

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