



Mobilett XP系統是一種新型的具有園盤狀檢測器工藝的數字移動X線系統,有望提高工作能力和加速工作流程。這種系統具有圖像顯示快捷、存檔處理迅速的特點。

Mobilett XP系統的園盤狀檢測器大小為43cm x 35cm,極大地方便操作者觀察,它的內部圖像存儲器可以儲存多達3,000幅影像。同時X線系統的新型觸摸屏易于操作,而且用戶界面直觀。這種系統的可移動性決定了它可以十分方便地在幾乎任何臨床部門或臨床學科中使用,例如整形外科、小兒科和急診科。醫生也可以在較短時間內得到影像資料,從而更加迅速地了解病情、調整治療措施,從而改善患者的預后。

德國埃爾蘭根市(Erlangen, Germany)西門子醫療保健公司總裁Holger Schimidt說:“隨著這種新型Mobilett XP數字X線系統的投入使用,我們正在采取下一步驟發展成像工藝,這將幫助我們的用戶更加有效地處理患者。這種數字系統不僅具有出類拔萃的成像能力以及高度的靈活性,而且具有目前十分先進的獲取數字影像的園盤狀檢測器工藝。”

Mobile X-Ray System With Enhanced Capabilities

A new digital, mobile x-ray system with flat panel detector technology is expected to enhance productivity and workflow with instant image display and processing with fast archiving capabilities.
The Mobilett XP features a flat panel detector at 43 cm x 35 cm for enhanced viewing, and can store up to 3,000 images in an internal image memory. Also, the x-ray system provides a novel touch screen with an easy-to-use, intuitive user interface. The mobility of this system enables use in almost any clinical setting or specialty, including orthopedics, pediatrics, and emergency medicine. The physician also has instant access to the image data, resulting in faster visualization and streamlined treatment for improved patient care.
“With the introduction of the new Mobilett XP digital x-ray system, we are taking the next step in the development of imaging technologies that will help our customers become more efficient in the delivery of patient care,” said Holger Schmidt, president, Special Systems Division, Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany). “This digital system continues to offer the same outstanding imaging power and flexibility, but also now features advanced flat panel detector technology for digital acquisition.”

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