

A: Where are you heading?
A: 你倆要去哪里?
D: Take a walk. We just had dinner. And you?
D: 散散步,我們剛吃過晚飯。
M: Annie, do you know "Olympic Vow"?
M: Annie, 你知道奧林匹克誓言嗎?
D: Mark, you should know what Annie is named by our class mates, an "Olympic Expert"!
D: 馬克,你應該知道Annie被同學稱為什么吧,“奧運通”啊!
A: Don't be kidding. In fact, the oath was composed by Pierre de Coubertin. At the opening ceremony, an athlete of the host country recites the following, "In the name of all competitors, I promise that wewill take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern us, in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the glory of sports and the honor of our teams."
A: 不要開玩笑了。其實,運動員宣誓誓詞是由顧拜旦起草的。在開幕式上,由主辦國運動員宣讀誓言:“我代表全體運動員宣誓,我保證我們參加奧林匹克運動會,尊重和遵守體育規則,發揚體育道德精神,為體育爭光,為國家爭榮譽。”
M: Did it start form the 7th Games?
M: 那是從第七屆開始的嗎?
A: Yes. Besides taking an oath by the athletes, the flag was raised from that time as well.
A: 是的。除了運動員宣誓外,會旗也是在這屆奧運會上第一次升起的。
D: At that time, Belgium was destroyed during the WWI, and because of the lack of time, money and materials, the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp were not very impressive and not well documented. Anyhow, it set several No. 1 in the history of the Olympic Games.
D: 那時,比利時在一戰中遭到破壞,由于缺乏資金、時間和物資,1920年在安特衛普舉行的那屆奧運會不是很吸引人,也沒有較好地文獻記載。但不管怎么說,它也創下了奧運史上的幾個第一。演講課程

